A classic rock original trio from bermondsey south east london fronted by local legend vocalist and bass player Russell Dryden , with Steve Johnston drums and secret weapon guitarist Barry Worley. The band have 2 albums under their belt and are working on a 3rd and final album (trilogy) as a tribute to the late russell dryden.
Steve johnston
founder of zodiac records , started playing drums at age 14 formed school band Blue diamond with fellow school friend and guitarist derek henshaw after many years on the social club circuit , joined original outfit paradise on purple, currently he is part of original classic rock band Bastru.
Matt Black
Uk based guitarist formely part of the love and peace band paradise on purple and the internet based project The iconics after many years on the covers band circuit Matt has been busy concentrating on solo material.
The Iconics
This internet based project led by bill reed thompson ( vocals , guitar ) David Thompson (bass guitar ) Matt Black ( lead guitar ) And Steve Johnston (drums ) became know as the house band for zodiac studios in Greenwich south east london. while working on the music for the play harpers place and with the aditional vocals of Tony James and Barry o neil they released there debut album "A face in the crowd " in 2015
Blue Diamond / Traveller
Formed by south east london school friends steve johnston (drums) Matt Maflin (guitar) and Derek Henshaw (guitar / vocals) This evolved into Traveller with the addiion of keyboardist Kevin Peach vocalist Alan Fitzgerald bass player Chris Ellen and lead guitarist Oz Martin. The band recorded a double a sided single in 1983 , Prison cell / Just set the way. and was in high demand on the social club circuit.
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